Strange But Beautiful Lacquer Dolls (Jau Kandhei ) Of Odisha
Authentic And Unanimous Genetic Origin Of Sri Chaitanya

Genetic Origin of Sri Chaitanya and Last Part of His Life in the Abode of Lord Jagannath
(Sadabhuj Sri Chaitanya, Six armed Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,two arms signifying Lord Rama with bow and arrow,two arms holding the flute signifying Lord Krushna,and two arms holding the rest stick and Kamandalu(brass water pot) of Sri Chaitanya himself all three in one. )
Early Life of Sri Chaitanya
Sri Chaitanya was the savior of bhakti renaissance during middle age India. He was viewed as the consolidated reincarnation of both Radha and Krushna. He was an extraordinary promoter of Harinaam Sankirtana and Prema Bhakti. He decried the customary Vedic way of thinking and its complexities. He disagreed with the four primary dimensions ( that is… Dharma, Artha, Kama,Mokshya) of the aim of human existence . He kept focusing on getting lost in the single minded devotional love for Lord Krushna and Radha.
He discarded the brahminical dominance over the society patronising rigid systems of compulsions putting the common man into various problems of practice. It was because of his simplicity and leaning towards complete devotion towards Lord Krushna,his teachings and activities became a lot easier for the common people to replicate and follow. Middle age Vaishnavism took a complete makeover dominating other contemporary sects of religions from that time onwards.
Harinaam mass sankirtana
pc: International Vaishnab’s portal
This great initiator of a new religious movement through a novel method of mass sankirtana , Sri Chaitanya was born on 18 February 1486 (that was on falgun full moon day ) and his biological parents were Jagannath Mishra and Sachi Devi of Nadia, Nabadwip of West Bengal. During the time of birth his body’s colour was like lustrous golden yellow….He was born beneath a Neem tree and perhaps because of these two reasons, his childhood name was Gouranga ( Goura means extremely fair complexion) and Neemai respectively. His school name was Bishwambhar.His maternal grandfather Nilambar Chakraborty was a great astrologer who studied his horoscope and forecasted that he would be a great religious personality as he identified 32 auspicious physical signs in his body.The numerous incidents of his early childhood days gave a lot of indication regarding the blooming great man. His elder brother Viswarupa relinquished his worldly life. His father died just three years after the Upanayan ceremony(or sacred thread ceremony , which is a ritual of Brahmin boys) of Gouranga at the age eight years.He lost his first spouse Laxmipriya because of snakebite. His mother Sachi Devi deemed it necessary to get him married to Vishnupriya for the second time in order to smoothen his family life.Gouranga while on his way to Gaya for Shraddha ( a kind of ritual done for our forefathers on the bank of a sacred river like Ganga) of his dead father , he met the great Vaishnab Saint Ishwar Puri , who later initiated him in Gopal mantra diksha.
Sadabhuja Chaitanya , Sri Chaitanya in this form gave darshan only to Basudev Sarbobhouma (the most eminent court scholar of Gajapati King) and to king Pratap Rudra Dev, the then ruler of Odisha
After returning back to Nadia, Nimai or Gouranga was a completely changed man.His magic spell continued and his epoch- making Sankirtana was gaining ground.. Whoever was coming in touch with him, he/she was feeling greatly fascinated by that ecstasy being generated out of Naam Sankirtana.. People were completely forgetting their existence,were completely overwhelmed while having great joy chanting the Krushna Mahamantra incessantly in the presence of Sri Chaitanya.His udanda nrutya kirtan ( dancing and chanting of God’s name in a Trans phase) was so charming and heart touching that individuals everywhere even the waterway , the trees , the surrounding appeared to get into the rhythm of the Sankirtana mandali. There onwards, he got recognised as Chaitanya . That means someone who is having enlightened consciousness.
Possible Reasons Behind Sri Chaitanya’s
Arrival in Puri
It was because of the burgeoning popularity of Sri Chaitanya, there was life risk . Muslim rulers were not having that sense of tolerance towards the followers of other religions .Sri Chaitanya himself, his mother, Sachi Devi and his associates were all mindful of the pained political circumstances of Nabadwip which was under the Muslim rule then . Kalinga was then the solitary free kingdom being controlled by a king and Vaishnavism then, at that point was the state religion of Kalinga where Jagannath remained at the pinnacle as the Rashtra Devata. Chaitanya knew about this reality that his ancestors were the original inhabitants of Jajpur of Odisha and were related with the consecrated administrations of Goddess Biraja Temple.That was possibly another reason behind the journey of Sri Chaitanya through Jajpur and he also stayed for a few days in Jajpur.
Sri Chaitanya didn’t put stock in Advaitabad of AdiShankaracharya and he was having faith in Achintya Vedaveda concept . Some eminent philosophers opine that it is Sri Jagannath cult which supported Achintya Vedaveda hypothesis. It is Odia Saint Baladev Bidyabhushana of Remuna, who has composed the comment of ” Brahma Sutra” of “Govind Bhasya ” which stands as a perfect treatise on Achintya Vedaveda philosophy . Since contemporary Odisha of those occasions was advanced with such preeminent philosophical practice, Sri Chaitanya considered amassing his exercises in Odisha, chiefly in Nilachala Dham ,Puri.
Exact Pathway Followed by Sri Chaitanya to Arrive at Puri
Out of the absolute lifespan of 48 years of Sri Chaitanya, first 24 years of his life was spent in nabadwip , then six years he traveled as an explorer / preacher all through India and stayed exclusively in Nilachala Dhama , Puri for the last 18 years of his life. After adopting Sanyas from the Saint Keshabanand Bharati in the year 1510 AD, he left for Puri. Most probably Sri Chaitanya came to Puri via Tamluk,Naraghat,Pichhalada, Narayan Garh,Dantun, Jaleswar , Amarda, Kanpur, Basta, Rasgovindpur, Amla,Haripur, Remuna,Nilgiri,Soto,Mangalpur,Bhadrak,Dhamnagar,Rameswarpur,Jajpur, Purushottampur,Dhaneswar,Gopinathpur,Choudwar,Cuttack, Bhubaneshwar, Nimapada,Sakhigopal,Chandanpur,Atharnala and at the end Puri. This particular path has been identified after in-depth research of several contemporary Vaishnab literature ( several palmleaf Vaishnab manuscripts are here in our state museum, Bhubaneshwar). Sri Chaitanya stayed for a few nights in the Ras Behari math of present day Nimapada and the small village then was renamed as ‘Nimaipada’ only because of the overnight stay of “Nimai” who was none other than Sri Chaitanya.
Later on in course of time, the place got distinguished as Nimapada.
Hereditary Origin of Sri Chaitanya
Hereditary Origin of Sri Chaitanya originates from a small village near Jajpur. The peripheral area near Ganapatipur ( 20kms away from Jajpur town )called Goura Danda even today. This was the road Sri Chaitanya once passed through while on his way to Nilanchal Dham ,Puri. Dr. Fakir Mohan Dash and Sri Pramod Chandra Mohanty have done extensive research in this regard.
This has been proved by two genealogies, one by the noted historian & former Governor of Bombay & ex chief minister of Odisha Dr. H. K. Mahatab in his book ” History of Odisha” page – 61 and the other one collected by Sri Pramod Chandra Mohanty. This has also been described in ” Chaitanya Mangal” written by Jayananda.
Two genealogies are quoted here.
Genealogy of Sri Chaitanya(researched and concluded by Dr. H. K. Mahatab)
Bisuddha Mishra( inhabitant of Jajpur)
Madhukar Mishra( Left Jajpur in 1451)
Upendra( wife- Kalavati)
Jagannath( wife- Sachidevi)
Eight daughters, Biswarup, Biswambhar( Sri Chaitanya)
Genealogy of Sri Chaitanya
( Genealogy collected by Pramod Chandra Mohanty).
Kamal Lochan Mishra
Madhukar Mishra
BKirtan, Rangda, Upendra, Krutibas,Phanindra
Kansari, Paramananda, Jagannath Mishra( wife-Sachi Devi)
Ganga Dash,Vishnu Dash, Biswarup,Biswambhar( Chaitanya Ist wife Laxmipriya and second wife Vishnupriya) ,eight daughters.
Here one specific inquiry comes to mind ….The earlier ancestors were having the last name ‘Mishra’ where as after Jagannath Mishra , the following generations were having the surname ‘Dash’.This is perhaps because the title ‘Dash’ is an upadhi which was conferred upon by the ruling king of those time.While demonstrating the explanation for the relocation of Chaitanya’s ancestors’ Dr P. Banerjee relates that they left Jajpur and settled at Sri Hatta near Dacca( now in Bangladesh) in 1451 AD. Sri Jagannath Mishra, father of Sri Chaitanya moved from Sri Hatta and finally relocated at Nadia , Nabadwip in West Bengal.
Days of Association of Sri Chaitanya with Nilachala Dhama, Puri
pc: Wikipedia
Sri Chaitanya remained at Puri for eighteen long years at a stretch till his so called disappearance . That was the last part of his life. He was so fixated on profound love and enthusiasm for Shri Jagannath that he was becoming oblivious and was being overwhelmed with excessive spiritual devotion while doing Sankirtana.
pc: Pinterest
Sri Chaitanya and his adherents especially Nityananda, Swaroop Damodar,Ray Ramananda, Adwaita, Sribas, Gadadhar, Gobind and so on we’re hauling the Nandighosa Rath of Shri Jagannath and doing Sankirtana with uncontrolled bliss and energy during Rath Yatra all those 18 years. The current day Vaishnab organisations are extending same service during Rath Yatra . This recognizes the consecrated progress of Lord Krushna from Gokul to Brundaban. Thus the adherents of Sri Chaitanya don’t partake in Bahuda as they don’t want Lord Krushna to leave Brundaban. Here they attribute Krushnahood on Shree Jagannath and Brundaban on Gundicha Temple.
Sri Chaitanya dancing ecstatically in front of Lord Jagannath temple
pc: Pinterest
The living engravings and memories of Sri Chaitanya are visible even today on the wall of Bhogamandapa-jagamohan interface doorway where 3 finger impressions are particularly noticeable on the rock of side wall. Besides close to the garuda stambha, his devout feet impressions are additionally being dazzled on the rock surface.
Sri Chaitanya was having an extremely devout relationship with the panchasakha (five well-known Vaishnabs of the then Odisha). Jagannath das , the popular writer of navakshari Odia Bhagavata was referred to as “Atibadi” by Sri Chaitanya as a badge of respect for his huge information and insight on ” Bhakti Tatwa”.
Sri Chaitanya did recognise the importance of “Dandi Ramayana” written by Saint Balaram Das in spreading the “BhaktiVad” in Odisha.
Sri Chaitanya himself was very much enjoying Gita Gobinda and Krushna Karunamruta and he was the initiator of Harinaam Sankirtana with single minded dedication and devotion.
This sudden disappearance of Sri Chaitanya in 1534 AD is still in darkness. The contemporary literature of those times don’t provide a definitive picture in this regard. Contemporary writer Jayananda in Chaitanya Mangal has written that Sri Chaitanya went inside the temple of Tota Gopinath and never came out. He vanished inside. Achyutananda, Dibakar Das, Lochana Das etc have also additionally affirmed something similar in their writings. Sri Chaitanya was the best known propagator of vaishnavism and all the more explicitly the love of Lord Radha-Krushna.
Dr. Manoj Mishra
But as per "Vaisnab Leelamrit " composed by Sri Madhab Pattanayak, author of another volume "Chaitanya Vilas ", Sri Sri Chaitanya attained maha samadhi due to a foot injury. Gajapati Prataprudra in consultation with Raya Ramananda arranged to bury the mortal remsons in Koili baikuntha within Sri Mandir
Yes, that is right. That was the day preceding Akhyay Trutiya and his left foot sustained injuries as described…but no conclusive or definitive picture .
That was lots of information and not easy to grasp everything at first reading. History of India is so extensive and comprehensive, it takes time and a lot of studying to be able to understand just one fraction of it. Thank you for this posting!
Thank you for your interest and appreciation. Your learning aptitude and patience both are commendable
Awesome info, really touched !
Thanks Dr Mishra. I love this write up! Yes it was very recent really only what the 1500s not that long ago. He the incarnation that came for us & our time now. Even though you know my heads all over the place trying to take it all in! haha. Yes funny how the meaning of just 1 word in Sanskrit is a jigsaw puzzle! I said last time how you taught me Gour is white & I just knew Gaur is Golden so he gets the names Gouranga & Gauranaga well I since learnt that Nimai also means shinning with light & so yes he may of got that being born under the neem tree on an auspicious full moon night. Aw Jayo Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu Ji
Jay Shree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu